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Reviewed Games Information

An archive of all available documentation of reviewed games

Part 1: Game Reviews Database



Overall rating


1941: Counter Attack



Arkanoid/Tournament Arkanoid



Arkanoid Returns



Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh



Bomb Jack Twin



Bonze Adventure



Bubble Bobble/Bobble Bobble/Super Bubble Bobble




Bubble Bobble II/Bubble Symphony




Bubble Memories



Gold Medal




Camel Try




Capcom Sports Club



Chase HQ



Darius/Darius Extra



Darius II/Sagaia



Donkey Kong



Donkey Kong DX






Dr Toppel's Adventure/Dr Toppel Tankentai



ESP Ra. De.



Fairyland Story, The



Fire Shark






Gold Medal

Frogger DX



Gals Panic



Gun & Frontier/Gun Frontier



Gun Lock/Ray Force







Hit the Ice



Insector X



Kick and Run



Kiki-KaiKai/Knight Boy



King of Fighters 98, The




Liquid Kids



Metal Black



Out Zone



Gold Medal

Pang! 3






Plump Pop



Puck Man/Pac-Man




Puzzle Bobble/Bubble Buster



Gold Medal

Puzzle Bobble 2/Puzzle Bobble 2x/Bust-a-Move Again



Gold Medal

Puzzle Bobble 3







Rainbow Islands/Rainbow Islands Extra/Jumping Islands



Rastan/Rastan Saga









Saboten Bombers



Snow Bros./Winter Bobble



Space Invaders '95/Akkanvader



Space Invaders DX



Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo




Super SpaceFortress Macross II




Super Space Invaders '91/Majestic Twelve



Terra Cresta



Terra Force



The New Zealand Story/The New Zealand Story Extra







Truxton II/Tatsujin II



WWF WrestleFest



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Part 2: Reviewed Games Information

1941: Counter Attack
(World, Japan)

Year: 1990
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: Capcom CPS - JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 224 x 384 60 Hz
• Colours used: 4096
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple Player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified stereo (two channels)
• M68000: 10 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM2151: 3.58 MHz (audio)
• OKI6295: 0.008 MHz (audio)


*General tips*
Your airplane doesn't lose energy when it collides with cliffwalls, buildings etc. Instead it will rotate a bit after such collisions. That means you can tumble up and down these obstacles (keep on colliding), and if you keep shooting, your shots will go in all directions. This way you can clear up a lot of enemies when you are under pressure.


1. 1942
2. 1943 - The Battle of Midway
3. 1943 Kai - Midway Kaisen
4. 1941 - Counter Attack
5. 19XX - The War Against Destiny
6. 1944 - The Loop Master


Planner: Poo, Rekite
Object: S. Thing, Yokota Yokozo, Terukun, Kuribow
Scroll: Sadakichi, Marilyn, Yuki, Kintarou, Harusan
Character Support: Akiman
Character Coordinator: Rekite
Character Effect: Yokota Yokozo
Sound Composer: Hifumi
Programmer: Makkow, Babel-2, Dome
Game Analyser: Nin, Doda Nda Uda
Director: Kihaji Okamoto

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Arkanoid (World)

Year: 1986
Class: Wide release
Genre: Ball and paddle
Conversion class: Taito Classic
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 224 x 256 60 Hz
• Colours used: 512
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player ambidextrous
• Control: dial
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• M68705: 0.5 MHz (cpu)
• AY-3-8910: 1.5 MHz (audio)

NOTE: Licensed to Romstar for US distribution (12/1986).
Some bootlegs of this game are known as "Block" and "Paddle 2".
The Japanese version supports cocktail mode whereas the others don't.


1. Arkanoid
2. Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh
3. Arkanoid Returns


Game designed by Akira F. (AKR).
Programmed by Yasumasa Sasabe (SSB)
Director of hardware & co-programmer: Toshiyuki Sanada (SND)
Assistant programmer: Toru T. (TOR)
Graphic designer: Onijust. H. (ONJ)
Sound composer: Hisayoshi Ogura
Sound effects: Tadashi Kimijima
Pattern designer: A. Iwai

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Arkanoid Returns

Year: 1997
Class: Wide release
Genre: Ball and paddle
Conversion class: Taito F3 System - JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 232 60 Hz
• Colours used: 8192
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 1
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified stereo (two channels)
• 68EC020: 16 MHz (cpu)
• ES5505: 16 MHz (audio)


1. Arkanoid
2. Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh
3. Arkanoid Returns


Planner: Atushi Taniguchi, Yuji Koga
Programmed by: I.T.L.
Program Support: Shunsuke Ono
Character Designers: Chiho Maeda, Mari Fukusaki, Tomohiro Kagawa
Sound: Yack., Babi
Designer: Kumi Mizobe

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Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh

Year: 1987
Class: Wide release
Genre: Ball and paddle
Conversion class: JAMMA+
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 224 X 256 60 Hz
• Colours used: 512
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player ambidextrous
• Control: dial
• Number of buttons: 1
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• Z80: 8 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• YM2203: 3 MHz (audio)

NOTE: The pulse outputs from the rotary controller are mapped to the left and right inputs on the JAMMA connector. If the paddle moves left when the control is rotated to the right (and vice-versa), swap the two pulse lines around and things should work fine.

Licensed to Romstar for US distribution.


1. Arkanoid
2. Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh
3. Arkanoid Returns


Directed & Programmed by Y. Sasabe.
Assistant Programmer: T. Tsukano, H. Hashimoto
Graphic Designer: T. Kitagawa, K. Igarashi, G. Kuriki
Sound Designer: H. Ogura
Publicity Supervisor: H. Nakane
Mechanical Engineer: Y. Hatsuda
Game designed by Kei. S

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Bomb Jack Twin

Year: 1993
Class: Wide release
Genre: Platform
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 224 x 384 60 Hz
• Colours used: 1024
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player ambidextrous
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 10 MHz (cpu)
• OKI6295: 0.024 MHz (audio)
• OKI6295: 0.024 MHz (audio)

NOTE: In TEST-MODE press player 2 buttons 1+2 during reset. "Ready?" will appear and then press player 1 buttons in this sequence: 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 and 1, 1, 1. The release date of this program will appear.


1. Bomb Jack
2. Bomb Jack Twin

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Bubble Bobble
(World, U.S.A.)

Bubble Bobble
with mode select

Bobble Bobble

Super Bobble Bobble

Year: 1986
Class: Wide release
Genre: Platform
Conversion class: Taito Classic
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 256 X 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 256
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified either (mono or stereo)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 3 MHz (cpu)
• 68705: 2 MHz (cpu)
• YM2203: 3 MHz (audio)
• YM3526: 3 MHz (audio)

NOTE: Licensed to Romstar for US manufacture and distribution. (10/1986)
Some bootlegs of this game are known as Bobble Bobble, Miss Bubble 2, and Super Bobble Bobble.

Year: 1986
Class: Bootleg
Genre: Platform
Conversion class: unique
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 256 X 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 256
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 3 MHz (cpu)
• M68705: 2 MHz (cpu)
• YM2203: 3 MHz (audio)
• YM3526: 3 MHz (audio)

NOTE: When you take the clock, time doesn't freeze. This is not a bug. I used to own the original pcb of Bobble Bobble (Bootleg) and the clock never freezed the enemy. All it did was change the stage colors to the clock freeze. So this version is accurate.

Year: 1986
Class: Bootleg
Genre: Platform
Conversion class: Taito Classic
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 256 X 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 256
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 3 MHz (cpu)
• M68705: 2 MHz (cpu)
• YM2203: 3 MHz (audio)
• YM3526: 3 MHz (audio)

NOTE: The first game of the Bubble Bobble series. This game, along with Ms. Pac Man, Bust-A-Move, and Galaga, is one of the steadiest money makers in arcades.


Game Design & Character: MTJ / Mitsuji
Software Programmer: ICH / Fujisue, NSO / Nishiyori
Sound Creator: KIM / Kimijima
Instructions: YSH / Yoshida
Hardware: KTU / Fujimoto, SAK / Sakamoto


Bursting a bubble: 10 points
Killing one monster: 1, 000 points
Killing two monsters at once: 2, 000 points
Killing three monsters at once: 4, 000 points
Points double for each extra monster killed at any one time
Normal Fruit: 700 points
Bonus Score Items (popcorn, burger etc): 500 - 4, 000 points.


*Unlimited run and rapid fire*
At the main title screen enter: Left, Jump, Left, Start, Left, Fire, Left, Up, Start. If this is done correctly there will be a message in the bottom left corner of the title screen a red "POWER UP!".

*Original Bubble Bobble*
At the title screen press: Shoot, Jump, Shoot, Jump, Shoot, Jump, Right, Start buttons for player one. It will say at the bottom of screen: ORIGINAL GAME. The game will give the PORTALS in some screens, if you can get in them you will get LOADS of diamonds.

After getting a high score, enter your initials as S.E.X. Start the next game as normal. The second item on the first level will be a pitchfork. Getting this item without bubbling the bad guys will get you mucho points.

Make it to level 20 without dying, and a door appears it leads to a 'secret tomb', a level full of diamonds. There are secret tombs at levels 20 and 30, also. Make it to level 50 without dying, and a strange, beehive shaped door appears; enter it and you warp to level 70. DON'T kill the drunks on level 50, or the door disappears; bubble them and wait! BTW, With two players, only one of the players must survive unharmed to get the secret door.

*Special item: the bell*
If taken, a flash and a 'bell' sound will go off at the beginning of any level that will have some sort of destructive magic.

*Paffing a Skel*
Skel is that nasty white monster that comes after you when you've taken too long; with two players, two Skels will appear. If one player is killed by 'his' Skel, then he can collide with his partner's Skel *WHILE HE IS STILL FLICKERING.* If the player's icon is still flickering, the other player's Skel will disappear (poof!), with no harm to the once-slain character.

*The Trick*
At the end of a level, sometimes all of the bubbles on the screen will inexplicably turn into food (even if there was no candy cane on that level). If the tens and hundreds digits of either player's score match when the last monster of a level is popped, then the bubbles will turn into food! Ex: scores of 110, 220 330, 440, 550, 660, 770, 880, 990 or 000 will produce 'the trick.' Kill everything in a level, and as one player moves to pop the last monster, the other player will 'get the trick' by blowing bubbles against a wall until the score is correct. Notice that you _do_ get the points for popping the last monster, so if you're by yourself, you have to work your score so that the tens and hundreds digits will match _after_ the points for the last monster are added....

*'Blowing yourself through'*
It is possible (though quite difficult) to bounce on a bubble at the top of the screen and ride it 'through' the top, so that you emerge at the bottom of the screen.

*The "Super Bubble Bobble" Code*:
There's another secret code you can enter via Joystick/buttons in the BUBBLE BOBBLE screen in the attract mode, and it goes like this: 1P, Jump, Fire, Left, Right, Jump, 1P, Right This will change the Bubble Bobble logo in "Super Bubble Bobble", and the game will change under several points of view: different platform colors, different order for monster appearances... The most important change is that this is the ONLY way to see the REAL ending of the game (and you'll need also to kill the final baddie in a 2P play, 'cause the game wants to promote the "power of friendship"... see below). If the *super* trick is performed on the original version of Bubble Bobble, the game lets you choose at the very start between "normal" and "super" game, while the bootlegs don't. The "Super Bobble Bobble" bootleg is a hacked version which has the SBB code always activated.

*The Bubble Bobble Alphabet*
Treasure rooms feature a sign with strange symbols on it. You can translate them by using the first line of symbols, which stands for the letters of the English alphabet in the right order (ABCDE...). Here are the translated messages:
Level 20 Door: "If you want to become the old figure, use the power of your friendship and fight with me!"
Level 30 Door: "If you want to get back your love of truth, you must help each other untill the last...."
Level 40 Door: "I enclose here these magical medicine, because those are my worst fears!"
These are hints to find the right way of completing the game. Note that Taito used this weird alphabet also in Rainbow Islands, Bubble Symphony, Puzzle Bobble 2 and maybe in other obscure Japanese-only games.

*Treasure Room in round 1*
If you experience a Game Over in a Treasure room (you have to wait until a weird monster comes and kills you), the game will say that you've reached Round 102, attract mode will show only treasure rooms and, by starting again, Round 1 will be a Treasure Room!

*Other High Score Codes*
MTJ, HED, OTO, PAN, NSO, KIM, YSH, KTU, SAK, TOP, RYO, SKE, SAN are other codes which have some effect on the game (note that they're the programmers' nicknames).

*The Secret Of The Potions*
Potions are those bottles of joy that you collect destroying all the enemies and filling up the screen with rainbows, clovers, etc to collect. Potions seem to appear randomly - not so. To set up a potion you need to be on a level with a hole in the floor. Fall through the floor 16 times. The next stage you will be almost certain to get a potion. By deliberately ending the game before the next stage, the next person playing will get a potion on stage 1 - a virtually unheard of event!
The precise rules are more complicated, relying on wrapping several priority based game counters used in the game code to record events like bubbles blown by each player, number of times jumped, etc. Several other items etc can be made to appear by utilising the game counters.

If one players game ends in a 2P game with a high score it will be registered on the high score list as CNT at the end of the game.

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Bubble Bobble II (World)
Bubble Symphony (U.S.A., Japan)

Year: 1994
Class: Wide release
Genre: Platform
Conversion class: Taito F3 System - JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 232 60 Hz
• Colours used: 8192
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• 68EC020: 16 MHz (cpu)
• M68000: 16 MHz (audio)
• ES5505: 16 MHz (audio)


Project Leader: Keppel Maekawa
Game Planner: Yoshitake Shirei, Keppel Maekawa
Software Design: Harumi. K, Meltycat!, K. Kuzukawa, Helper Natani
Map Creator: Taka. Furukawa, Yoshitake Shirei
Character Design: Turtle Mizukami, T. Ozaki, Koji?!, Yourychan
Dot Design Works: Akiyoshi Takada, Mari F, Natsuko Mochi, Shigeki Yamamoto, Ken, Yourychan, Indy. Chinkai
All Music Composed & All Sound Composed by Yasuko. Y -Zuntata-
Sound Effect: Babi -Zuntata-
Music Adviser: Tamayo. K -Zuntata-
Instruction Design: Mihoko Sudoh, Rintaroh Doi
Hardware Works: Katsumi Kaneoka, Hironobu Suzuki, Jun Sawaki


*Always Access Secret Rooms*
Before inserting your coin, at the intro screen with the curtain, press Jump, Bubble, Jump, Bubble, Jump, Bubble, Left, Start. A tone will sound. Begin a game.

*Black Background and Classic Music*
Before inserting your coin, at the intro screen with the curtain, press Bubble, Jump, Bubble, Jump, Bubble, Jump, Right, Start. A tone will sound. Begin a game. The background of each room will be black and the original Bubble Bobble theme will play instead of the usual music.

*Game Mode Select*
Before inserting your coin, at the intro screen with the curtain, press Up, Start, Right, Jump, Bubble, Left, Start, Down. The curtain will turn blue. Begin a game. You can now choose between "normal game" and "super game."

*Unlock Human Characters*
Before inserting your coin, at the intro screen with the curtain, press Left, Down, Up, Jump, Right, Start, Bubble, Right. A tone will sound. Begin a game. You can now choose from four human characters.

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Bubble Memories (World, Japan)

Year: 1995
Class: Wide release
Genre: Platform
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 8192
• Number of players: 4
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 4
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• 68EC020: 16 MHz (cpu)
• M68000: 16 MHz (cpu)
• ES5505: 15.238 MHz (audio)

NOTE: In SETUP, the first time you run the game, it will say '...BACKUP DATA FAILED'. Enter test mode and exit to start.


*Power Up mode*
Press Up, Right, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Down at the title screen. Rotate the Joystick clockwise in two circles to give Bub and Bob permanent shoes, blue gum, and yellow gum.

*Super mode*
Press Left, Start, Fire, Jump, Up, Down, Start, Right at the title screen to unlock another set of levels.

*Original mode*
Press Start, Left, Fire, Jump, Fire, Jump, Fire, Jump. Secret rooms will always appear in levels 7 and 37.

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Cadash, English (U.S.A., Japan)
Cadash, French (U.S.A., Japan)
Cadash, Italian (U.S.A., Japan)
Cadash, Japanese (U.S.A., Japan)

Year: 1989
Class: Wide release
Genre: Adventure
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 240 60 Hz
• Colours used: 4096
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 4
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 12 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM2151: 4 MHz (audio)
• ADPCM: 0 MHz (audio)

NOTE: The French version of Cadash is a mine of translation mistakes.


Programmed by Toru Sugawara (SGW), Tarabar Hori, Masaki Yagi (MYG), Seiichi Taikoishi, Yuichi Kohyama.
Graphic & game designed by Onijust (ONJ).
Music and sound created by Team Zuntata.

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Camel Try (U.S.A., Japan)

Year: 1989
Class: Wide release
Genre: Labyrinth/Maze
Conversion class: Taito F2 System
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 4096
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player
• Control: dial
• Number of buttons: 1
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 12 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM2610: 8 MHz (audio)

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Chase HQ

Year: 1988
Class: Wide release
Genre: Racing
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 240 60 Hz
• Colours used: 4096
• Number of players: 1
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player
• Control: wheel , 2-position shifter , 1 pedal
• Number of buttons: 4
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified stereo (two channels)
• M68000: 12 MHz (cpu)
• M68000: 12 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM2610: 8 MHz (audio)


1. Chase H.Q.
2. Special Criminal Investigation
3. Super Chase - Criminal Termination


Game design: Hiroguki Sakou 
Game program: Takeshi Ishizashi, Takeshi murata, Kyouji Shimamoto
P.C.B design: Masahiro Yamaguchi
Sound design: Yoshio Imamura, Naoto Yagishita, Eikichi Takahashi, Fumiaki Imaoka
Music composer: Takami Asano
Cabinet design: Nobuyuki Iwasaki
Proposer: Yoshiharu Suzuki

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Darius (World)
Darius, old version (Japan)
Darius, Extra Version (World)

Year: 1986
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: unique
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 864 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 8192
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified stereo (two channels)
• M68000: 8 MHz (cpu)
• M68000: 8 MHz (cpu)
• (2x) YM2203: 4 MHz (audio)
• MSM5205: 384 KHz


1. Darius
2. Darius II
3. Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk
4. G Darius
5. G Darius ver.2


Directed and produced by: Toshio Kohno.
Game designed by: Toshio Konho, Akira Fujita, Kazuya Mikata.
Programed by: Ken Hasegama, Takashi Kuriyama, Hideaki Tomioka, Tohru Sugawara, Hidenori Sasatani, Hideki Hashimoto.
Art designed by: Tetsuroh Kitagawa, Yoshihiro Wakita, Junji Yarita, Yukio Ishikawa, Kohzoh Igarashi, Genya Kuriki, Taira Sanuki, Masami Kikuchi, Mitsuru Ogama.
Mechanical Engineer: Takeki Nakamura, Eiji Kubota
Cabinet design: Takeo Shiraishi, Hisayoshi Nakane, Natuki Hirosawa
Hardware designed by: Takashi Ohhada, Syuji Kubota, Seigo Sakamoto
Music composed and arranged by: Yasuhiko Tanaka, Hisayoshi Ogura, Naoto Yagishita, Tsukasa Nakamura, Eikichi Takahashi, Masahiko Takaki

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Darius II (Japan)
Sagaia (U.S.A.)
Darius II, dual screen (Japan)
Sagaia, dual screen (U.S.A.)

Year: 1989
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: unique
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 864 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 8192
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified stereo (two channels)
• M68000: 8 MHz (cpu)
• M68000: 8 MHz (cpu)
• custom YM2610: 8 MHz (audio)

NOTE: This game is played on mulitple horizontally-oriented, 13-inch diagonal color monitors aligned straight across (so it's quite wide and HEAVY). The monitors are mounted with two of them facing upwards and the other facing the player. A half-reflecting mirror is used to align the images with an inch or two of overlap. Two versions of this game were made: The more common three screen version (like the original Darius), and a harder to find two screen version.

NOTE: This game is known outside US as Sagaia.


1. Darius
2. Darius II
3. Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk
4. G Darius
5. G Darius ver.2


Directed and Produced by Hidehiro Fujiwara.
Game Designed by Hidehiro Fujiwara, Takatsuna Senba
Programed by Akira Ohtsuki, Tatsuo Nakamura, Masashi Tsuzura, Shinji Soyano
Art Designed by Masami Kikuchi, Takatsuna Senba, Hisakazu Kato
Cabient Design: Yoshinori Aiura
Hardware Designed by Toshiyuki Sanada.
All Music Composed and Arranged by Hisayoshi Ogura. (Team Zuntata)
Sound Editor: Yasuhisa Watanabe, Norihiro Furukawa
Sound Soft Ware: Naoto Yagishita

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Donkey Kong

Year: 1981
Class: Wide release
Genre: Platform
Conversion class: Nintendo Classic
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 224 x 256 60 Hz
• Colours used: 16
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player
• Control: joy4way
• Number of buttons: 1
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Unamplified mono (one channel)


1. Donkey Kong
2. Donkey Kong Jr.
3. Donkey Kong 3

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Year: 1995
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 240 x 320 60 Hz
• Colours used:
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 1
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified stereo (two channels)


1. DonPachi
2. DoDonPachi
3. DoDoDonPachi

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Dr. Toppel's Adventure (World, U.S.A.)
Dr. Toppel Tankentai (Japan)

Year: 1987
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: Taito Classic
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 224 x 256 60 Hz
• Colours used: 512
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 1
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• YM2203: 3 MHz (audio)

NOTE: This game runs on the same hardware as Extermination

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ESP Ra. De.

Year: 1998
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 240 x 320 57 Hz
• Colours used: 32768
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 3
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified stereo (two channels)
• M68000: 16 MHz (cpu)
• YMZ280B: 16 MHz (audio)


1. ESP Ra. De.
2. Espgaluda


Producer: Kenichi Takano
Super visor: Hiroyuki Tanaka (Atlus)
Chief programmer: Tsuneki Ikeda
Programmers: Satoshi Kohyama, Ryuichi Yabuki
Chief designer: Junya Inoue
Designers: Akira Wakabayashi, Yuko Nakamura
CG designers: Riichirou Nitta, Atushi Aburano
Sound producer: Junya Inoue
Sound director: Hiroshi Horiguchi (Two Five)
Music composer: Masahiro Kusunoki (Two Five)
Sound effects: Ryuichi Yabuki
Character voices: Mikio Yamaguchi, Yasuyuki Hirota, Yuko Nakamura, Junya Inoue, Noriko Nishimura, Kazushi Takamura
Special assist: Toshiaki Tomisawa


* Counter Display: Insert a coin, hold B button and press Start.

* Stage Edit: Select your character with a specific button to choose the order of the 3 first stages:

Press A button: Houoh High School, Random, Random.
Press B button: Houoh High School, Shopping Mall At Night, Bay Area.
Press C button: Houoh High School, Bay Area, Shopping Mall At Night.

Press A button: Shopping Mall At Night, Random, Random.
Press B button: Shopping Mall At Night, Bay Area, Houoh High School.
Press C button: Shopping Mall At Night, Houoh High School, Bay Area.

Press A button: Bay Area, Random, Random.
Press B button: Bay Area, Houoh High School, Shopping Mall At Night.
Press C button: Bay Area, Shopping Mall At Night, Houoh High School.

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Gals Panic

Year: 1990
Class: Wide release
Genre: Puzzle
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 224 x 256 60 Hz
• Colours used: 33792
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy4way
• Number of buttons: 1
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 8 MHz (cpu)
• MSM6295: 0.0012 MHz (audio)


1. Gals Panic!
2. Gals Panic 2
3. Gals Panic 3
4. Gals Panic 4 Yuu
5. Gals Panic S
6. Gals Panic S2


Cast: Marina Matsumoto, Ayami Kida, Nami Ozawa, Yuki Miho, Emi Nagahara, Shiori Asano.

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Gun & Frontier (World, U.S.A.)
Gun Frontier (Japan)

Year: 1990
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 224 x 320 60 Hz
• Colours used: 4096
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 12 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM2610: 8 MHz (audio)

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Gun Lock (World)
Ray Force (U.S.A., Japan)

Year: 1993
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: Taito F3 System - JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 224 x 320 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 8192
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified stereo (two channels)
• 68EC020: 16 MHz (cpu)
• M68000: 16 MHz (cpu)
• ES5505: 15.238 MHz (audio)

NOTE: This game is known outside Europe as Ray Force.


Producer: Yukio Abe
Director: Yukio Abe, Tatsuo Nakamura
Game Design: Tatsuo Nakamura, Yukio Abe, Tomohisa Yamashita
Software: Tatsuo Nakamura, Shinji Soyano, Hikaru Taniguchi, Masao Kashino, Isao Ooyama
Character Graphics: Hideyuki Kato, Tomohisa Isobe, Shinjirou Sugitani, Hiroyo Kujirai, Yasuhiro Noguchi
Screen Graphics: Hideyuki Kato, V.A.P, Peacock
Music & Sound Effects: Tamayo (Zuntata)
Sound Effects: Mu-Nakanishi (Zuntata)
Sound Direction: Tono (Zuntata)
Design Works: Kyoko Umezu
Hardware: Katsumi Kaneoka
Planner: Seiji Kawakami, Nobuhiro Hiramatsu, Shinichi Arai
Character Designer: Seiji Kawakami, Nobuhiro Hiramatsu, Shinichi Arai, Hiroyo Kujirai, Sy\xf4ji Nakajima, Kasayama Pamio, Hiroto N\xeezato, Shin Tanaka, Terumi Ogihara, V.A.P, Peacock
Software Engineer: Kazutomo Ishida, Hirotaka Fukakawa, K\xf4ji Kato, Masashi Tsuzura, Takashi Ishii, Yasutaka Hayashi, Shinji Soyano, Tabby Software Magic, Hiroshi Aoki, K\xf4ji Tsunekiyo
Sound Director: Kazuko -Karu- Umino
Decoration Designer: Kumi Mizobe
Hardware Engineer: Takeshi Kinugasa

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Hit the Ice

Year: 1989
Class: Wide release
Genre: Sports
Conversion class: JAMMA+
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 4096
• Number of players: 4
• Number of simultaneous players: 4
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 3
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 12 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM2203: 3 MHz (audio)
• MSM6295: 0.008 MHz (audio)
• MSM6295: 0.008 MHz (audio)

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Insector X

Year: 1988
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion Class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution 256 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 512
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• M2203: 3 MHz (audio)

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Kick and Run (World)

Year: 1986
Class: Wide release
Genre: Sports
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 256 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 256
• Number of players: 4
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 3
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 12 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM2610: 8 MHz (audio)

NOTE: The board has an extra edge connector on a second board in addition to the standard JAMMA connector. This connector is used to link two Kick and Run machines to allow up to four-player simultaneous play.

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Knight Boy (bootleg)

Year: 1986
Class: Wide release
Genre: Platform
Conversion class: Taito Classic
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 224 x 256 60 Hz
• Colours used:
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• Z80 (x2) and M68705 (cpu)
• YM2203 (audio)

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Liquid Kids

Year: 1990
Class: Wide release
Genre: Platform
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 4096
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 12 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM22610: 8 MHz (audio)

NOTE: This game is known in Japan as Mizubaku Daibouken Adventure.

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Metal Black

Year: 1991
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: Taito F2 System
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 240 60 Hz
• Colours used: 8192
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 12 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (audio)


1. Gun & Frontier
2. Metal Black


Producers: Senba Takatsuna, Hori Takamasa
Game designers: Senba Takatsuna, Hori Takamasa, Kuroki Naoya, Ohno Tomohiro, Seguchi Takashi, Mizobe Kumi, Watanabe Yasuhisa, Sawaki Jun, Ishikawa Katsuhisa
Art directors: Senba Takatsuna, Ohno Wepokichi
Programmers: Tarabar, Kuroki Naoya, Seguchi Takashi
Hardware engineers: Sawaki Jun, Takeda Tomio
Decorator: Mizobe Kumi
Sound (Zuntata): Yasuhisa Watanabe (Yack.), Ishikawa Babio
Bit pattern: Moriyama Yoshihiro, Tanaka Kuniaki, Nakahara Yoshikatsu, Tsuneoka Masatoshi, Vap-Awave
Cast: Ho Lee Chan, Zuntata, John Neianik 8th, Sakou Menme


* Levels Select: Boot machine with service switch pressed.
Message appears: "SERVICE SWITCH ERROR", press 1p Start(x3), service switch, 1p Start.
Message appears: "SELECT BY DOWN SW", select level with joy Down/Up and push Start button.

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Out Zone

Year: 1990
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 224 x 320 55.16 Hz
• Colours used: 2048
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 10 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 3.5 MHz (cpu)
• YM3812: 3.5 MHz (audio)

NOTE: Music and sound created by Tatsuya Uemura.

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Pang! 3 (Europe, Japan)

Year: 1995
Class: Wide release
Genre: Platform
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 384 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 4096
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 10 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM2151: 3.58 MHz (audio)
• OKI6295: 0.008 MHz (audio)

NOTE: This game is known outside Japan as Buster Buddies.


1. Pang
2. Super Pang
3. Pang! 3


Planner: Da., F. Kuwahara, S. Obata (Manhattan)
Programmer: Cat, Y. Inada (Ine), T. Misawa
Character Designer: Imo, Tom-Pang, S. Kitamura, Ban, Miyo.
Artist: Y.N, Akagi, Joe, A. Hamada
Music Composer: Oyaji
Sound Designer: Toshi Kajino, Hiroaki K.
Supervisor: Kihaji. O

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Year: 1982
Class: Wide release
Genre: Labyrinth/Maze
Conversion class: unique
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 224 x 256 60 Hz
• Colours used: 32
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 1
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• Z80: 3 MHz (cpu)
• NAMCO custom CPU: ? MHz (audio)

NOTE: The song that plays in the background is called "Popcorn" by a band called Hot Butter.

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Plump Pop

Year: 1987
Class: Wide release
Genre: Ball and paddle
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 256 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 512
• Number of players: 4
• Control: dial
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• YM2151: ? MHz (audio)
• YM2203: 3 MHz (audio)


Directed By Yoshihisa Nagata.
Game Designed By Mitsukoh Kimura, Toshio Kohno, Onijust.
Programmed By Yoshihisa Nagata, Yuji Iwasaki, Masaki Ogata.
Art Designed By Masami Kikuchi, Kazuya Mikata, Shinobu Iwabuchi, Sachiko Yamana, Kazuya Suzuki, Mitsuru Ogawa.
Mechanical Engineer: Yasunori Hatsuta
Designed By Naoko Yoshida.
Hardware Designed By Toshiyuki Sanada, Tadashi Kushiro, Noboru Yasukawa.
Sound Created By Hisayoshi Ogura.

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Puck Man (Japan)
Pac-Man (U.S.A., Midway)

Year: 1980
Class: Wide release
Genre: Labyrinth/Maze
Conversion class: Namco Galaxian
• Type: raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 288 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 16
• Number of players: 2
• Control: joy4way
• Number of buttons: 0
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• Z80: 3 MHz (cpu)
• Namco 3-channel PSG (audio)

Note: There are 240 dots in every maze.
Excluding bootlegs, there are 23 different name/nickname combinations for the ghosts in Pacman (24 including 'Sue' from Ms. Pac-Man).


1. Pac-Man
2. Ms. Pac-Man
3. Super Pac-Man
4. Pac-Man Plus
5. Jr. Pac-Man
6. Pac & Pal
7. Pac-Land
8. Pac-Mania


Designed by Toru Iwantani.
Programmed by Hideyuki Mokajima and crew.
Music & Sound by Toshio Kai.

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Puzzle Bobble (World, Japan)
Bubble Buster (U.S.A.)

Year: 1994
Class: Wide release
Genre: Puzzle
Conversion class: Neo Geo MVS (b-system)
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 4096
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 1
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified stereo (two channels)
• M68000: 12 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM2610B: 43 MHz (audio)


1. Puzzle Bobble
2. Puzzle Bobble 2
3. Puzzle Bobble 3
4. Puzzle Bobble 4
5. Super Puzzle Bobble


Game Design: Nakakuki Seiichi
Program & Game Design: Tkhc.02
Program & System Design: Tmr
Program & Play Design: Nob
Charatcher & Game Design: Kinoshita Kazuhiro
Character: Komai Ryota, Kamiya Miwa
Composed by Karu., Yasuko
Sound Effect: H. Takahagi
Sound Soft: N. Yagishita
Sound Produce: H. Tonomura
Design: Super Star Nagai, T. Yoshiba, M. Osaka, N. Kuroki, Y. Onogi
Supervise: M. Yagi, T. Saito, G Rox, H. Kato, K. Tajima

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Puzzle Bobble 2 (World)
Puzzle Bobble 2x (Japan)
Bust-a-Move Again (U.S.A.)

Year: 1995
Class: Wide release
Genre: Puzzle
Conversion class: Taito F3 System - JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 232 60 Hz
• Colours used: 8192
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 1
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified stereo (two channels)
• 68EC020: 16 MHz (cpu)
• M68000: 16 MHz (audio)
• ES5505: 16 MHz (audio)

NOTE: Puzzle Bobble 2x is an expanded version of Puzzle Bobble 2. It has the extra mode built-in, so the cheat (A - left - right - A) is not needed. Also it has a Christmas and a Happy New Year intro. Either or none of them can be choosen from the menu in the test section.

This game is known in US as Bust-A-Move Again.


1. Puzzle Bobble
2. Puzzle Bobble 2
3. Puzzle Bobble 2X
4. Puzzle Bobble 3
5. Puzzle Bobble 4
6. Super Puzzle Bobble


Game design: Seiichi Nakakuki
Character design: K. Kinoshita, Bawbaw, Ko-Ji Terada, Kat, T. Akitsu-Osaru-, Rie Amino, Uoosy Maler, Yuko Kajihara, Ryota Sasaki, Yasunobu Kousokabe, Kamiya Miwa, Rieko Kobayashi, Miyabi, Masami Kikuchi, Anpanmanda, Saori Hiratsuka, Vap Corp.
Program: Hiroshi Maruyama, Junichiro Noguchi
Sound: Nakayama Joutohei (Zuntata), Karu (Zuntata), Yasuko (Zuntata), Syu (Zuntata)
Design: Kumi Mizobe, T. Yoshiba, M. Osaka, Y. Mori

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Puzzle Bobble 3

Year: 1996
Class: Wide release
Genre: Puzzle
Conversion class: Taito F3 System - JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 232 60 Hz
• Colours used:
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 1
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified stereo (two channels)


1. Puzzle Bobble
2. Puzzle Bobble 2
3. Puzzle Bobble 2X
4. Puzzle Bobble 3
5. Puzzle Bobble 4
6. Super Puzzle Bobble

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Year: 1989
Class: Wide release
Genre: Puzzle
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 256
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 1
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• YM2203: 3 MHz (audio)

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Rainbow Islands

Rainbow Islands, Extra Version
Jumping Islands (bootleg)

Year: 1987
Class: Wide release
Genre: Platform
Conversion class: Taito Classic
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 240 60 Hz
• Colours used: 8192
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player ambidextrous
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 8 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM2151: 4 MHz (audio)

Year: 1988
Class: Wide release
Genre: Platform
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 240 60 Hz
• Colours used: 8192
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 8 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM2151: 4 MHz (audio)

NOTE: This game has the exact same gameplay as Rainbow Islands, but the music is different and stages have different order.


*Secret Rooms*
If you collect all the diamonds on an island in order from left to right (i.e. red orange yellow green blue indigo violet) then a door will appear on the boss screen. If you don't want to fight the boss then go through the door and you'll get your big diamond in the secret room. You'll also get a big special item that'll give you a special permanent power. The secret code that is written in the secret room can be typed in at the title screen when starting a game to get a special effect (usually the effect of the big special item in that room). If you want more points, kill the boss and get that diamond then go into the secret room and get that one too.

*Title Screen Cheats*
These codes can be typed in at the title screen (while the Rainbow is cycling through its colours). They are given to you in the secret rooms and give you the effect of the item in that room if you use them. (L = Left, R = Right, U = Up, D = Down, B = rainBow, J = Jump, S = Start (1 player button)) When you put your coin in, an item should appear in the bottom left corner depending on which cheat you used.
BLRBJSBJ Permanent fast running
RJSBJSBR Permanent double rainbows
SSSLLRRS Permanent fast rainbows
BJBJBJRS Hint A: The riddle of the shilver door
LJLSLBLS Hint B: The secret of the big diamonds
LBSJRLJL Continue after fifth Island
RRLLBBJS All hidden items are money bags (10000 pts)
RRRRSBSJ Both above two
SJBLRJSR Hint C: The riddle of the 3 mirrors
SRBJSLSB 10m points

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Rastan (World, U.S.A.)
Rastan Saga (Japan)

Year: 1987
Class: Wide release
Genre: Scrolling fighter
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 240 60 Hz
• Colours used: 8192
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 8 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM2151: 4 MHz (audio)
• ADPCM: 0 MHz (audio)

NOTE: This game is known in Japan as Rastan Saga.


1. Rastan
2. Nastar
3. Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Episode III


Game design: Nenko Nishimura
Game program: Yoshinori Kobayashi, Hideaki Tomioka, Touru Takahashi, Hideo Kazama
Char. design: Nenko Nishimura
Art design: Nenko Nishimura, Taira Sanuki, Seiji Kawakami, Genzou Kuriki
Hardware engineer: Noboru Takeshita
Hardware design: Masahiro Yamaguchi
Music composer And Sound Effects: Naoto Yagishita, Masahiko Takaki
Art advisor: Junji Yarita


On the outside portion of the final level (level 6) there is a single rope. Progress to and use the rope as normal, then jump back on from the right hand side... Rather bizarrely Rastan doesn't grab the rope, he instead starts to rise quite rapidy straight up in the air! Stopping atop of some hidden platform quite some way above the playfield. You can't do a fat lot, but it is rather strange. Jumping off to the right allows you to continue.

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Rodland (World, Japan)
Rodland (bootleg)

Year: 1990
Class: Wide release
Genre: Platform
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 256 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 1024
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 12 MHz (cpu)
• M68000: 7 MHz (cpu)
• YM2151: 3.5 MHz (audio) 
• MSM6295: 0.03 MHz (audio) 
• MSM6295: 0.03 MHz (audio) 


English version: after inserting a coin, press the player 1 'down' button 3 times. This will activate the extra mode, so you can play with all new levels, gfx and music.

Japanese version: After inserting a coin, press the player 1 'up' button 3 times. This will activate the extra mode, so you can play with all new levels, gfx and music.

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Year: 1986
Class: Wide release
Genre: Scrolling fighter
Conversion class: Tehkan
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 256 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 1024
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM3812: 4 MHz (audio)
• MSM5205: 0.03 MHz (audio)

NOTE: This game was only sold as a conversion kit.

NOTE: Any cabinet equipped with a Tehkan wiring harness will accept this PCB. The game only requires one joystick and two buttons. However, two joysticks and four buttons will be required if the game is installed in a cocktail cabinet.

NOTE: copy of: Argos No Senshi - Legendary Warrior
The differences between the US and Japanese ROM sets are: the demo sequences differ

With regard to the US ROM Sets, it appears that the 'rygar' set is a bug fix release for 'rygar2' ROMs. The original version was probably renamed to 'rygar2' when the new, fixed 'rygar' set was created. The differences between these revisions are:

'rygar2' has a bug in the code which lets player two start a game when player one is already playing. You need to set a DIP switch to enable this behaviour (it is usually on by default). If you press '2' while player one is playing a one-player game, 'rygar2' will check if you have one or more credits before it registers that you're now in a two-player game, but it won't deduct the credit.
'rygar2' has some code that's not in 'rygar'. It seems to be blanking out seven characters on the screen. Maybe it's removing the word 'player 2' or 'player 1'.
In 'rygar2', if player two starts while player one is already playing, it says 'player 2' instead of 'player 1' at the top right.
The first screen of 'rygar2' says "ALL RIGHT RESERVED" which is missing the 'S' that is present in 'rygar'.
On level 13 there is a hidden star that will award you 1000000 points!

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Snow Bros. (World, Japan)
Winter Bobble (bootleg)

Year: 1990
Class: Wide release
Genre: Platform
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 256 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 256
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 3
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 8 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 3.6 MHz (cpu)
• YM3812: 3.58 MHz (audio)

NOTE: Licensed to Romstar for USA distribution. A bootleg of this game is known as The Winter Bobble.


1. Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom
2. Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves
3. Snow Brothers 3 - Magical Adventure


Music composed by Osamu Ohta.

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Space Invaders '95 (World)
Akkanvader (Japan)

Year: 1995
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: Taito F3 System - JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 232 x 320 60 Hz
• Colours used: 8192
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 1
Sound: Amplified stereo (two channels)
• M68020: 16 MHz (cpu)
• M68000: 16 MHz (cpu)
• ES5505: 16 MHz (audio)


1. Space Invaders
2. Space Invaders Deluxe
3. Return of the Invaders
4. Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV
5. Space Invaders DX
6. Akkanvader

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Space Invaders DX (U.S.A., Japan)

Year: 1994
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 4096
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 1
• Number of coin slots: 1
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 12 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM2610: 8 MHz (audio)


1. Space Invaders
2. Space Invaders Deluxe
3. Return of the Invaders
4. Super Space Invaders '91
5. Space Invaders DX
6. Space Invaders '95 - The Attack of Lunar Loonies.

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Super Space Invaders '91 (World)
Majestic Twelve (U.S.A., Japan)

Year: 1990
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: Taito F2 System
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 224 x 320 60 Hz
• Colours used: 4096
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified stereo (two channels)
• M68000: 12 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM2610: 8 MHz (audio)


1. Space Invaders
2. Space Invaders Deluxe
3. Return of the Invaders
4. Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV
5. Space Invaders DX
6. Space Invaders '95 - The Attack of Lunar Loonies


Director: Ichiro Fujisue
Game Design: Tomohiro Ohno
Software: Hideki Hashimoto, Takashi Kitabayashi, Norihito Taniyama, Masahiro Shimazaki, Takayuki Shinma
Hardware: Yasuhiro Shibuya
Character Design: Takatsuna Senba, Tomohiro Ohno, Masami Kikuchi, Tsuyoshi Satoh, Takayuki Miyazawa
Design: Rintaro Doi, Kumi Mizobe
Sound: Yasuhisa Watanabe, Shiro Imaoka, Norihiro Furukawa, Kazuko Umino

Dedicated to Katsujiro Fujimoto from All Staff.

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Terra Cresta

Year: 1985
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: Nichibutsu
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 256 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 256
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 8 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 4 MHz (cpu)
• YM2203: 4 MHz (audio)
• DAC: 0 MHz (audio)
• DAC: 0 MHz (audio)

NOTE: One of Terra Cresta clones uses a YM2203 for sound, all other a YM3526


Shigeki Fujiwara, Isao Shiki, Hisaya Tsutsui, Kenji Yoshida, R. Yamada

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Terra Force

Year: 1987
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 320 x 240 57 Hz
• Colours used: 2048
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 8 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 3.072 MHz (cpu)
• YM3812: 4 MHz (audio)
• DAC: 0 MHz (audio)
• DAC: 0 MHz (audio)


Game design: Shigeki Fujiwara
Game program: Kakefu, Shinya Okuda
Character design: Takanori Tanaka, Yuki Yasuda
Title design: Shinji Kubota
Sound composer: Noburu Yoshida
Sound program: Yoshinori mitta
Hardware engineer: Isao Shiki

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The Newzealand Story
The Newzealand Story (bootleg)
The Newzealand Story, Extra Version

Year: 1988
Class: Wide release
Genre: Platform
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 256 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 512
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 6 MHz (cpu)
• YM2203: 3 MHz (audio)

NOTE: In the demo mode of the "Extra Version", stages sequence is inverted and there are a few differences in the title screen and gameplay stages.


Once per paid credit, if you lose your last life on worlds 3, 4, or 5, by being hit with a blunt physical attack (bombs, boomerangs, stone arrows, rocks, etc) you will go to heaven. Getting killed by anything sharp, or fire, or lasers will mutilate your body (make it flash) and then you don't go to Heaven. You only go to heaven if you didn't flash when you died.

If you press jump while airborne, your kiwi will flap his wings. As long as you fall a certain distance, by pressing the button rapidly enough you can hover or even fly upwards. It's more than the height of a jump so you can't take off from the ground. I escaped the first (I think) heaven by going as far right as possible, dropping off the platform then hovering further right where a gap in the spikes scrolls into view. Should be a doddle with autofire I'd imagine.

There are three Heaven rounds. One for world 3, one for world 4, and one for world 5. Instead of a kiwi in a cage, at the end there is a picture of the Virgin Mary. You will have a halo above your head, and so will any enemies there. (Unlike the bosses, they aren't truly evil, i guess!) These Heaven rounds are quite dangerous, full of bats and spikes!

When you reach the virgin Mary, the game will END, and the game will explain that your soul went onwards, but the heavens have an exit to the underworld. What they are trying to say is that there's a SECRET EXIT from Heaven that will bring you back to life.
To escape from the first heaven, make your way to the top, then head right. You will find an area with a bunch of teeny platforms above one large one with three patches of spikes, with one square space between them. The second one of those that you come to is a secret block which you can fall through. To reach it safely, hop to the block just to the left of it, and at the top, and fall off, pressing right. You will land right in the gap, fall through, and escape Heaven 1. You will also be warped forward at least one round. Should you die there, it's game over, but you can continue.
To escape the second heaven get right up to the Virgin Mary, but instead of stepping onto the platform, drop off to the small area to the left of it next to the spikes, and then walk right. You will pass through the wall, and find a pit to drop into that leads back to Earth a few levels later.
The third heaven is really difficult to escape. You will find an open area at the end, with a few platforms to hop up on the left that lead to the Virgin Mary. Just below the spikes on the ceiling, you will find a cloud that looks different from the rest. If you jump through it, two ducks and a balloon will shop up. Take a duck, and fly up through the hole on the right wall. To make the jump, you have to jump from the left, high enough to hit the block, but low enough to miss the spikes. This is quite tricky.
If you die in heaven, it's game over, unless you got an extra life while you were there from points or bubbles, but you can continue on the level you were on, from the beginning.

In the attract mode (while Tiki walks around in the demonstration), push the fire button three times. A cute picture of a bear will appear in the left bottom of the screen. I don't know if this affects the gameplay too.

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Truxton (World, U.S.A.)
Tatsujin (Japan)

Year: 1988
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 240 x 336 57 Hz
• Colours used: 2048
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 1
• Control panel layout: Single player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 8 MHz (cpu)
• Z80: 3.5 MHz (cpu)
• YM3812: 3.5 MHz (audio)

NOTE: Licensed to Midway for US manufacture and distribution. Also licensed to Romstar for US manufacture and distribution.

NOTE: The Japanese name for this game is Tatsujin.

NOTE: This games used hardware similar to that used in other Toaplan games of the time, including Demon's World/Horror Story. It uses a M68000 (Main CPU, 10MHz), a Z80 (Sound CPU, 3.5MHz) driving a YM-3812 (also 3.5MHz), and a 320C10 (Protection MCU, 3.5MHz).
Like the aforementioned Toaplan games, the game is multi-regional, meaning that it can be configured for different regions via the DIP switches. These settings change the legal warnings, can display the Taito licensing message and can modify the title between the English version (Truxton) and the Japanese version (Tatsujin).


1. Truxton
2. Truxton II

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Truxton II (World, U.S.A.)
Tatsujin II (Japan)

Year: 1992
Class: Wide release
Genre: Shooter
Conversion class: JAMMA
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Vertical
• Resolution: 240 x 320 60 Hz
• Colours used: 2048
• Number of players: 2
• Number of simultaneous players: 2
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 4
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 16 MHz (cpu)
• YM2151: 3.38 MHz (audio)
• MSM6295: 0.02 MHz (audio)


1. Truxton
2. Truxton II

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WWF WrestleFest

Year: 1991
Class: Wide release
Genre: Sports
Conversion class: JAMMA+
• Type: Raster
• Orientation: Horizontal
• Resolution: 256 x 224 60 Hz
• Colours used: 8192
• Number of players: 4
• Number of simultaneous players: 4
• Control panel layout: Multiple player
• Control: joy8way
• Number of buttons: 2
• Number of coin slots: 2
Sound: Amplified mono (one channel)
• M68000: 12 MHz (cpu)
• YM2151: 3.58 MHz (audio)
• OKI16295: 7.76 MHz (audio)

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