Here we come to the second issue of Zzap!Raine. This month
there will be important news about our favorite emulator...
(please don't ask what it is, in this case you got the wrong
site). In short news are: the emulation code of the Z80
emulator has been totally rewritten, in some games audio
faults have been fixed and the Qsound emulation in Capcom CPS1
is now working. Impressive work by Tux (he's also our
Emu-Quality tester) for this version of Raine.
Hoping that you liked the first issue, let's see the contents
of this month's issue.
Once again we have Taito games; two of them, in the past,
made most of us playing for hours, I'm talking about Bubble
Bobble and Puzzle Bobble... Certainly we'll carry on playing
them for hours on Raine too. These games have several sequels
(some not emulated yet) so we'll find them reviewed in future
issues of Zzap!Raine. We finish off (at least I think) the
Space Invaders series emulated by Raine with Akkanvader, same
gameplay with refreshed graphics and sound. In the end, a
classic must: Arkanoid Revenge of Doh.
Enjoy the reading and... Happy zzapping.