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First Anniversary Issue


After enjoying our favourite multi-arcade emulator (now available in version 0.37.1) during the Christmas holidays, here we are with a special issue or your favourite web-magazine, which celebrates its first birthday. Happy birthday Zzap!Raine - I even have a cake with one lit candle over today!

In such peculiar issue you'll find the review (written by MADrigal) of Out Zone, a wonderful vertically scrolling shoot'em up in pure Commando style. Yes, one review only but well this is a special issue, so don't worry: everything will be back to normality from next issue on.

After the huge success of the previous issue, here's Rockford again in Rockford's Cave, plus a brand new genre of articles: Milestones.

Funny Rockford speaks about his long-time friend Gordon Houghton, who contributed a lot to the good ol' magazine Zzap!64. Milestones, a real must-read article for true nostalgic, written by Redhot, is a gallery of old arcade games which left an everlasting footprint in videogames history.

And hey I can't forget mentioning the new look for cover, which makes it much more similar to the ones of Zzap!64.

Let's stop wasting time: I have to blow the candle and you have a brand new issue to read, so...

... Happy zzapping.


Table of Contents

Out Zone

Milestones #1
The "pioneers" era (1975-79)

Rockford's Cave
Hallo Gordon, here I am!



Chief editor: Zaxxon1
Staff writers: MADrigal, Redhot, RoyJ, Zaxxon1
Emu Quality: Tux, Zaxxon1
Graphics and Art editors: Liliana, MADrigal, Zaxxon1
Ideas: Liliana, MADrigal, Redhot, Zaxxon1

Zzap!Raine (C) Zzap!Raine team. No material may be reproduced in part or in whole without the written consent of the authors. Reproduced parts are used for information purposes.

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