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Issue 5


You probably noticed that something has changed... First let's say that all the previous issues have been completely restyled with many graphics fixes here and there. Even though most of those fixes won't be noticed by all of youse, well believe me: the job has been really huge!

So I take the chance to thank the author of this all: MADrigal, well-known as Game & Watch Simulators programmer (not just that - but I won't go on or I'll have to talk about him all the editorial long)... you did own a real Game & Watch did you? So why not moving to his sites MADrigal's simulators, Game & Watch Mania and Nintendo Zone? If you played those golden oldies as a child, you'd be pleased to play the games on your PC.

Another member joined our party: DarkJ (meet him in the Camel Try review) will sometimes appear on our issues' pages. He's the founder of Progetto Zzap! Italia, a site dedicated to the Italian version of Zzap!64. DarkJ aims to host scans from all the Zzap! issues within his site. It also features old C64 games reviews, articles, threads, advertisements etc.

And now some more spotlights on. As we previously announced in Issue 4, here's the new section named "Blast from the Past" by IlTimido. In this issue you find an interesting article regarding a true myth for all Zzap!64 and Zzap! fanatics: Julian Rignall. ...well yes I'm not saying that other zappers weren't such myths eh!

Finally I wish you like all of those new features and staff members (thanks people much for their efforts). And oh, if you wish to email MADrigal, don't forget to name his games as simulators, not emulators - or you'll have him upset in a while!

Let's now talk about the new reviews: BombJack Twins: a pale sequel to a great plaformer; Bubble Memories: the coloured dragons saga continues in this great platformer; Camel Try: surprising and innovative race against time; Pang! 3: third date (I wish it's the LAST one!) with the world famous balloon hunter.

All I have to say is enjoy the reading, and see you next issue!

... Happy zzapping.


Table of Contents

Bomb Jack Twin

Bubble Memories

Camel Try

Pang! 3

Blast from the Past
Dedicated to Julian Rignall



Chief editor: Zaxxon1
Staff writers: DarkJ, MADrigal, RoyJ, Stephh, Zaxxon1
Emu Quality: Tux, Zaxxon1
Graphics and Art editors: Liliana, MADrigal, Zaxxon1
Ideas: Liliana, Zaxxon1

Zzap!Raine (C) Zzap!Raine team. No material may be reproduced in part or in whole without the written consent of the authors. Reproduced parts are used for information purposes.

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