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Issue 11


After spending last summer in a deserted town (suffering because of hot weather), after traveling on long and dusty roads I finally saw the red flaming ball beyond the mountains, while the rubbers in my car turned around for miles and miles to an unknown destination.

I saw the dawn beyond the windscreen, I spent nights in crap motels, I visited strange places and met almost forgotten populations, forgotten because consumed by modern way of life when looking like someone is more important than being ourselves.

I thought about this all and yes, now it's time to stop before it's too late. There's a way out to this all. I might be of help to you all, once again in the same manner as a few months ago, a few years ago... I have no idea on what you're thinking but I can tell you where's the exit: jump back in time, feel a little bit nostalgic and try to live as in the ancient times.

If you thought about a new Zzap!Raine issue... well yes you guessed it right: this is the last issue for year 2004. A jump back in the past with Donkey Kong (classic and DX-enhanced versions), then a jump forward in the future by driving an adveniristic air-fighter in Atlus' masterpiece: DonPachi, then again a jump in the fantastic world of Bub and Bob, their bubbles and crossbows: Puzzle Bobble 3, and finally let's jump back to the past again in ancient Japan, between reality and legend, superstitions and faith in a fight between good and evil: Kiki-KaiKai.

Now let's go read this brand new issue... shall we come back in the future? We don't know it yet but please live in the present - future is still unknown to us!

Whops I almost forgot to thank jerrymouse for drawing the wonderful cover. Welcome on board, man!


Table of Contents



Puzzle Bobble 3


Donkey Kong / DX



Chief editor: Zaxxon1
Staff writers: MADrigal, Redhot, RoyJ, Talas, Zaxxon1
Emu Quality: Tux, Zaxxon1
Graphics and Art editors: Ant, jerrymouse, MADrigal, Zaxxon1
Ideas: Liliana, MADrigal, Zaxxon1

Zzap!Raine (C) Zzap!Raine team. No material may be reproduced in part or in whole without the written consent of the authors. Reproduced parts are used for information purposes.

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