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Issue 6


Welcome to the new issue of Zzap!Raine - the last issue this year. One year has past since we begun this adventure, so it's time for us to make the point. We're quite satisfied of our work, though long delays in releasing issues.

The Zzap!Raine project started in January 2002, and the team was composed of just three members... well we're nine today (ten - counting Rockford too!). Well we don't work all on a single issue, an all of us devotes some spare time to the project, but any help is really important. So I take the chance to thank all staff members for their great efforts.

As time past by, aside to Raine games reviews (25 total) we also added a few sections which actually don't have much to do with the emulator itself: Blast from the Past and even Rockford himself - he got tired of living in his 8-bit world and speaks us about his ideas of the world we live in. Go read his funny article in the Rockford's Cave section.

This month's reviews are about four really full-action videogames: 1941: Counter Attack, Gun Lock, Plump Pop and Rastan. The latter has been reviewed by our newest team member: Redhot. Welcome man!

Finally, as suggested by Gordon Houghton, we added Tips & Tricks to the Games Info section, making Zzap!Raine really similar to the great paper magazines Zzap!64 and Zzap!Italia. You'll be able to overcome game hurdles without the need to apply cheats or patches to games. Also a lof of fun stuff has been listed!

So, after this brief introductions to the news, I wish you a happy reading and merry Christmas holidays. See you next year with a brand new special issue.

... Happy zzapping.


Table of Contents


1941: Counter Attack

Gun Lock

Plump Pop

Blast from the Past
Under the light of a Parasol Star

Rockford's Cave
3D? ...that's science-fiction!



Chief editor: Zaxxon1
Staff writers: MADrigal, Redhot, RoyJ, Zaxxon1
Emu Quality: Tux, Zaxxon1
Graphics and Art editors: Liliana, MADrigal, Zaxxon1
Ideas: Liliana, MADrigal, Zaxxon1

Zzap!Raine (C) Zzap!Raine team. No material may be reproduced in part or in whole without the written consent of the authors. Reproduced parts are used for information purposes.

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