Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh
Manufacturer: Taito
Year: 1987

Vaus 2 attack

A long period of time passed... and the dimension-controlling force "Doh" has again come back to life. Occupying the huge spaceship "Xorg", it has been entered our universe from a different dimension. "Mixtec", Arkanoid type spaceship, has launched the craft "Vaus 2" to make a preemptive attack on "Xorg"
This is the introductory story appearing in the game demo, that certainly none of us had never read!
Insert your coin and game starts: we control the craft Vaus 2, penetrated in Xorg spaceship, which can move only in two directions: right and left. To get to the final battle we'll have to go trough 33 rounds (the 34th is the last one where we'll fight Doh himself).

To pass levels we have to destroy bricks by shooting them with the available weapons. Once all bricks are destroyed two doors will open at the bottom of the screen, one per side. At this point you must decide which door to choose in order to get to the next level. Bricks form different structures and figures, one for each round. Rounds have variable difficulty; usually, in a video-game, as we pass levels the difficult increase, however, in Arkanoid 2, it's possible to find hard schemes at the beginning and easy ones at the end.
There are different kind of bricks: some of them can be destroyed only by one shot, other ones need two or more shots, some already destroyed reappear after a few seconds, some are moving right and left and, finally, some are indestructible.

Vaus VS Vaus
first Round

To shoot bricks you have several weapons: the first one is a sphere of energy that will bounce hitting and destroying bricks on its way (same sort for flying aliens). If you miss it you lose a life from the three available ones. Aliens, once shot, can give the sphere an unpredictable bounce, and this is the only annoying thing they can do. Often this bounce is so unpredictable that you won't be able to catch the sphere. Aliens hit by the sphere will explode, other ones will split into other kind of monsters and other are undestructible. If any kind of these creatures touch Vaus, will explode, and the indestructible ones will bounce away.
From destroyed bricks, sometimes colored capsules marked with a letter will fall down.

To use power ups given by the capsules you have to catch them with Vaus. More than power ups you also get 1000 points from the capsules. You also get points by destroying bricks and aliens.
You can have more powerful weapons such us: double laser ray, triple sphere, a sphere split in lots of spheres destroying everything in a few seconds, a sphere able to penetrate bricks, also the indestructible ones, without bouncing.
By picking the capsules up, you can also have other effects on Vaus: it can enlarge itself, restrict, slow down the sphere's speed, have a tail, split into two Vaus, become magnetic and keep the sphere on it for a few seconds allowing it to choose the best point to shot. Other capsules will give us an extra life, or will open the side doors in order to go straight into the next level with 10.000 bonus points, and an incandescent capsule will give us a random weapon (usually a repetition laser or multiple sphere).

a Doh sembiance

When got to the 34th round and destroyed Doh, Vaus will exit from one of the two doors, then leave Xorg spaceship in time before the explosion, in order to go back to mother-ship Mixtec, ending the mission.
This is the second part of the story after final victory:

  The vicious creature which Revived "Doh" has now been defeated, and "Doh" has been smashed to atomic particles together with its ship "Xorg". The spaceship "Vaus 2" narrowly escaped the exploding "Xorg" and managed to return to "Mixtec" to restore its condition. But even this fierce battle you have fought is a tiny happening in the endless space of this universe.

  Arkanoid 2, a good game, is very similar to his predecessor Arkanoid.
The story doesn't end here... indeed Arkanoid Returns is waiting for us...

click on Vaus to read the
instructions manual

flyer  flyer





SOUND: 51%





Zaxxon1Short introductory sequence, high score table and attract mode are in the classic Taito Arcade style of that time. Simple and well defined graphics, fairly good backgrounds, but nothing more... Anyway, it's enough for this game. Sound: short good quality tunes, sufficient sound effects, but surely something more could have been done. Another old-game (Breakout) issued by Taito in an updated version. Absolutely brave the choice of using such a dated game scheme, but successful. The turn ups of Arkanoid 2 are: game simplicity, possibility of having lots of "weapons" and powerups, and 34 levels that make game immediately attractive and playable, although difficulty is too high since first rounds.
The desire of finishing this game is high, but, in my opinion, some schemes are boring; if you have the patience to carry on, this is one of those games that arriving to the end becomes a personal matter. My final rating is definitely positive.

Roy JonesAlmost nothing... the usual demo. This kind of game doesn't require a big effort graphically... but some backgrounds are really psychedelic... Soundtrack doesn't exist and sound effects are monotonous and not very likable. One point in favour to originality for the difference of the brick reaction when they are shot, and the possibility to choose between two different schemes at the end of each round. If you like action, you certainly won't be keen in these kind of games: monotonous and boring in some parts...

LilianaInteresting until the first two or three stages, after it makes me going into hysterics! I can't go further than second (third sometimes) scheme, I get really frustrated... Definitely not my kind of game! However I must say that graphics are well designed and sound effects are fairly good.

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