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Zzap! Raine

Latest version Extras Dev Old versions
File Last modified Size
NeoRaine-1.2.11.zip2010/10/251.2 Mb

You might also need these frameworks (place them in /Library/Frameworks) :
File Last modified Size
SDL.framework.zip2010/10/25622 Kb
SDL_image.framework.zip2010/9/29817 Kb
SDL_ttf.framework.zip2010/9/293.5 Mb

For SDL_sound I tried to regroup all the needed frameworks in 1 big archive :
File Last modified Size
SDL_sound.zip2010/10/25906 Kb

And you'll also need Flac-1.2.1 dmg from there. Or you can take this local copy.
For SDL, you might want to try the framework on the official sdl site instead. I know that I can have yuv overlay hardware support only with this version, it doesn't work with the 1.2.14 from the sdl site, and I don't know why.

Release Notes :
Contrary to the windows or linux version, this one will ask where you have put neocd.bin or neocd.zip the 1st time you run it. On mac os x you have to choose a place for this file by yourself, and leave it there.
Except that the same issues as the raine version apply for yuv overlays, see the release notes on the raine page.
This version was made on a hackintosh as an experiment, and I just hope dependancies will be correct on any computer since I could test it only on 1 computer so far ! Report on the forum...
